Choose the list bellow to get the preferred coach for your comfortable trip in Indonesia from Jakarta to Bandung Yogyakarta and Bromo, Bali and Lombok. Please contact us to get the reasonable trip with us.
Toyota Inova
Toyota Avanza
Conveniences: Standard
Max 4 Passenger persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 2 persons for overland tour
Daihatsu Xenia
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passenger: 4 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 2 persons for overland tour
KIA Pregio
Conveniences: Fine
Max Passenger: 8 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 6 persons for overland tour
Suzuki APV
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passenger: 4 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 2 persons for overland tour
Mitsubishi L 300
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passanger: 6 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 4 persons for overland tour
Isuzu ELF
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passenger: 9 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 7-8 persons for overland tour
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passanger: 16-30 persons with luggage
Have a nice trip !
Toyota Inova
Conveniences: Fine
Max Passenger : 4 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 2 persons for overland tour
Toyota Avanza
Conveniences: Standard
Max 4 Passenger persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 2 persons for overland tour
Daihatsu Xenia
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passenger: 4 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 2 persons for overland tour
KIA Pregio
Conveniences: Fine
Max Passenger: 8 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 6 persons for overland tour
Suzuki APV
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passenger: 4 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 2 persons for overland tour
Mitsubishi L 300
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passanger: 6 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 4 persons for overland tour
Isuzu ELF
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passenger: 9 persons with luggage (city tour)
Ideally 7-8 persons for overland tour
Conveniences: Standard
Max Passanger: 16-30 persons with luggage
Have a nice trip !